The Book of Esther shows the mind of an individual who possesses the mental consciousness to produce the beautiful and excellent. King Ahasuerus produced a wondrous and impressive empire. He spent six-months showing his rulers the splendor and beauty of his kingdom (Esther1:4). The beauty and essence of his deep spiritual intelligence and understanding are displayed in the banquet that he prepared for everyone present in the capital city of Shushan (Esther 1:5). The seven day time frame for the banquet demonstrates King Ahasuerus’ intuitive and deep reflective nature. Moreover, the palace garden symbolizes King Ahasuerus spiritual state in which he produces divine ideas which his sub-consciousness transforms into the objective world—abundant fruit. The hanging tapestries in the garden represent the depth of his spiritual understanding. The furniture and the flooring that King Ahasuerus and his quests sat and stood upon symbolize the spiritual foundation of truth.
Truth is beauty. God is truth and beauty. Therefore, the beginning of beauty is God consciousness. My mental state determines the level of beauty that I produce in my life. My ideal conception of beautiful must be internalized in my sub-consciousness to be externalized in my outer or objective world. Those thoughts that I mediate on that produce within me the highest degree of pleasure transmute by the power of God within me into physical qualities, people, circumstances, situations, and any other objective representation of my subjective or internal mental consciousness. God gives me exactly what I ask for in prayer—those deep inner thoughts, attitudes, and ideals.
Bible References
Luke 17:21
Exodus 26:1
1 Chronicles 27
Exodus 39:27
Matthew 17:2
Psalm 31:5
Hebrews 6:18
John 1:14, 14:6
Psalm 27:4
Isaiah 45:17
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