Monday, August 27, 2012

Beauty: Lips Jewels of the Heart

I wear jewelry to enhance my physical appearance, yet one word from my lips may increase my beauty far beyond the rich, bold color of a lipstick or the striking sparkle of a gold lip hoop. The Bible says that “Gold there is, and rubies in abundance, but lips that speak knowledge are a rare jewel” (Proverbs 20:15 AMP).  My lips adorn me beautifully when words of knowledge flow from them into my circumstances.

My lips release the jewels of my soul—the words that I speak.  The words that I speak adorn my presence with beauty and peace. These words that come from my lips are deliberately spoken to create and maintain order in my life.  As God spoke and said let there be light and there is light everywhere (Genesis 1:3 AMP), so I speak and say let there be light in my environment—the light of spiritual knowledge and understanding (2 Corinthians 4:6 AMP).  I express this light when I live in Christ continually and speak words that build up my environment and not tear it down.  These words include praise and adoration of God and positive affirmations of who I am in Christ.  In Christ, I am more than a conqueror (Romans 8:3 AMP).  I defeat the world through my faith in God—that is, whatever I need to defeat in my world, I know that it is defeated because God always causes me to win in Christ Jesus (2 Cor. 2:14 AMP).  I win if I don’t give up.  I win if I am not stirred-up by what I see.  I must have the mental strength to relax and wait for whatever I want from God.  There is a process involved, and the process takes time.

In the process of time, the words that I speak from my lips honor and glorify God. Beautiful jewels stream from my lips and dress up my atmosphere like dazzling diamonds around my neck and glittering rhinestones on my dress.  These jewels come from my heart because I live in Christ Jesus and His words live in me.  Consequently, the words of Christ transform the way I think and the words that come out of my mouth (Romans 12:2 AMP).  I ask for what I desire, and what I desire is given to me (John 15:7 AMP). Great productivity comes through me because the teachings of Christ live in me. Therefore, God is exalted and respected because I demonstrate that I am a follower of Christ, and the beauty of God within me is further shown as the jewels of God flow out of me through the jewel of my lips.


John 12:35, 44-45; 15:1-8
Romans 8:3, 12:2
Galatians 6:9
2 Corinthians 4:2-6
Matthew 12:33-37

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